
Mr. and Mrs. Mannie Greenwood

I am writing to thank Inner City Youth Tutoring's (ICYT) Funding Program. I was very happy and appreciative to learn that my daughter, Cassidy Greenwood, was again chosen as a recipient for funds to be applied to her weekly tutoring sessions.
Tutoring this year was such a blessing. COVID really changed a lot of things in terms of schooling. Tutoring really helped bridge the gaps with schooling at home through zoom/online classes. When my daughter, Cassidy, was struggling, she could have a one-on-one with her tutor. ICYT's tutors were able to break down the fast pace lessons from her school's online classes so that she could figure things out and understand them.
My daughter has benefited so much from tutoring and the hands-on resources ICYT provides. I know that if we didn't have tutoring, she would have lacked in her schooling.
Again, I would like to say thank you very much. Cassidy would not have been successful without Inner City Youth Tutoring and its excellent program and tutors. Without the funding and resources, ICYT provided, we would not have been able to afford the tutoring Cassidy needed this year. 
Mr. and Mrs. Mannie Greenwood, Parents